Charlotte House Burrfields Rd
Portsmouth, PO3 5NA
9:00 - 17:00

Golfing Fun Day At Sutton Green Golf Club 12/10/18 - Stevens Washrooms

Golfing Fun Day At Sutton Green Golf Club 12/10/18

A Texas scramble took place between teams of contractors and customers of Stevens Washrooms at Sutton Green Golf club on October 12th 2018.

Guests were welcomed by Ian Stevens the Managing director and fellow director John Lintott.

Starting with a breakfast at 9.30 am, then a tee off at 10.30 am, followed by 18 holes of fun experienced throughout the day. Ian Stevens the company Managing director saw everybody off with a good supply of golf balls, tees, course information booklet and scorecard.

As you will see from the photos the rain kept away but some strong winds did keep the balls from enabling too many birdies!

A light afternoon buffet and drinks, brought the proceedings to a close during which prizes were allocated to the winners and runners up. A special prize for “nearest the pin” was presented and this was won by Paul Cooke a member of Ian’s sales team.

Summary of opinions from the day was, that this should be extended for more teams at various venues throughout the country at convenient dates.😊😊😊

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